Bullet Journal Future Log Ideas You Need To See

Bullet Journal Future Log Ideas You Need To See

15 Simple and Easy Bullet Journal Future Log Ideas You Need To See

Hi there, you are at the Bullet Journal Future Log section.

Feel free to repin the ones you like for easy reference and remember to subscribe to us to receive your monthly FREE bullet journal inspiration email 1 week before every new month! 


Before diving in, I would like to share with you the materials that I wish someone had shared with me when I first started my bullet journal journey(tongue twister haha) instead of the overpriced books and markers that the pros always recommend.

Getting these good basics tools will allow you to explore and find out if you like bullet journalling without spending a bomb. Plus, they can last you for quite awhile. 

  1. I use this notebook now, which is a good but cheaper(less than half the price) alternative to the popular favourite Leuchtturm1917
  2. These colorful markers have a broad tip and fine tip that you can use for most of your decorations. My favourite!
  3. These stencils are less than $10 and there are 20pcs of all kinds of shapes that you can play around with. Super fun.

Yup, that’s all you need for a start! 🙂

If you are a beginner, you can start here.

p.s. Don’t say we didn’t share- NOW WILL BE A GREAT TIME to stock up on things you need on Amazon (including your bullet journal supplies!) because they are having a great sale!

This is the 3rd article of a 5-part series on Bullet Journal for Beginners.

Part 1: What are Bullet Journals and Why You Need One

Part 2: Bullet Journal Index Page Ideas You Need To See

Part 3: Simple and Easy Bullet Journal Future Log Ideas

Part 4: Easy and Simple Monthly Spread Ideas

Part 5: Bullet Journal Weekly Spread Ideas

Future Log Bullet Journal

What is Future Log?

Future log bullet journal is just a fancy word which actually means a year-at-a-glance calendar with future events, goals, and long-term tasks. It can be in 2-pages or 4-pages form.

2-pages simply means you can see all 12 months at one go.

4-pages means you will see 6 months at each glance.

It’s a great idea to have this in your bullet journal because you can add birthdays, travel plans, and major holidays and see these important dates right away and look at your year plan as a whole.

If you are a bullet journal beginner, you can read this useful article on what is bullet journal and why you need one before continuing on here. 🙂

Here are a few types that you can try out:

Bullet Journal Future Log Ideas

12 months in a glance (2-pages)

if you want to see everything at once, this will be a great layout.


This one is a little more artsy, but really pretty.

allthingsbujo Future Log In Boxes
@ allthingsbujo

Bullet Journal Future Log Ideas

6 months in a glance (4-page)

Many bullet journalists like to do a 6 months future log as you will have more space for each month. But it’s up to you really, whichever you prefer. 🙂

Here are some of my favourite designs and layouts for a 4-page future log!

A column minimalist version

Future Log solution by @journalspiration

A horizontal Minimalist Version

Bullet Journal Future Log by @blackinkjournal

Another cute and simple design you can follow:

Bullet Journal Future Log by @blackinkjournal

One more!

Bullet Journal Future Log Ideas

A Color-coded version

Bullet Journal Future Log by genspen on Tumblr

More of my favourite designs and layouts in colours:

Just use 2 colours, and it’ll look classy and elegant.

pureplanning_bymj Future Log

A light grey highlighter to highlight the important dates and you have space to write out the details


Use different colours for different events

Comment commencer un Bullet Journal ? Le Future Log !

Different columns for events, appointments, tasks and birthdays!

A future log page in the bullet journal
A simple, minimal, bullet journal future log

Bullet Journal Future Log Ideas

And if you like a 4 months in a glance:

Future Log Inspiration from The Illustrated Bullet Journal of Sarah from @luckyletters

So there you have it. Several easy yet beautiful future log layouts that you can try for a start!

If you have not seen the index page and key page ideas, you can check them out here!

Next, we’ll be moving on to Monthly Logs. Click here to continue 🙂

Your favourite source of bullet journal ideas.

You can easily find the best bullet journal ideas and inspirations in neatly organised categories HERE 🙂

Feel free to repin the ones you like for easy reference and remember to subscribe to us to receive your monthly FREE bullet journal inspiration email 1 week before every new month!